‘Māu tō tītī, māku tāku whewhera’ – Kei a tāua te matangohi!’

‘You make your wedge, I’ll make my opening’ – ‘To us both the spoils’


Our Annual Conference is moving online for 2020!


In light of the situation with COVID-19, Te Hunga Rōia Māori has decided to postpone our Hui-‘ā-kanohi’ in August 2020.

Instead we will hold a Zui-ā-Tau which will be held as a virtual hui in August 2020.


The Zui-ā-Tau is set to include:

• Keynote speakers

• Te Hunga Rōia Māori AGM

• National Kaupapa Māori Moot competition

• Regional ā-kanohi activities

Registrations are now open

2020 Zui-ā-Tau Programme (1)

Click here to register for Zui-ā-Tau 2020