Appointment of Chief Judge of the Māori Land Court


E te manu taiko

E te tōtara haemata

E te takere o te waka

E te Kaiwhakawā Matua

nei te mihi ki a koe


Te Hunga Rōia Māori o Aotearoa congratulates Judge Caren Fox, nō Ngāti Porou me Rongowhakaata, on her appointment as the new Chief Judge of the Māori Land Court.

“Judge Fox has long been a role model for wāhine in the law” said Renika Siciliano, Tumuaki Wahine of THRMoA.  “As the first Māori woman to be appointed as a judge of the Māori Land Court, she has been an active supporter and mentor for younger lawyers, and is now the first wāhine to be the Chief Judge of the Māori Land Court.  She continues to break the mould and show us what is possible, opening doors and challenging barriers in the process.”

“Judge Fox’s appointment is also time to acknowledge her work sitting in the Māori Land Court and Waitangi Tribunal for more than two decades,” said Baden Vertongen, Tumuaki Tane.  “Her knowledge, experience, and leadership is invaluable to the Court, and wider judiciary, as it continues to modernise and adapt to the changing needs of Māori today”.

THRMoA wishes Judge Fox well in her new role and looks forward to her continuing leadership of, inspiration to, rōia Māori throughout the country.