Tēnā koutou e ngā wāhine o Te Hunga Rōia Māori,
Applications are now open for Ngā Wāhine Roīa Māori Mentoring Programme 2018
Based on the tuakana-teina relationship model, this initiative is designed to support the growth and career development of professionals and senior students of Te Hunga Rōia Māori. Support is provided through one-to-one mentoring sessions between a mentor and a mentee. The 2018 programme runs from April – November 2018 and requires participants to be fully committed to the relationship.
If you would like to be involved in this awesome initiative, either as a mentor, mentee or both, then have a read of the information booklet, fill in the application form and return to us at THRMOAmentoring@gmail.com by Wednesday 28 March.
Once we have received all applications, we will match up mentors with mentees and notify participants.
We intend to formally launch the mentoring programme on Tuesday 11 April, 6 – 7pm in Wellington (Note that this date was previously advertised as 10 April but has since been updated). Once details have been confirmed, we will let you all know.
Mentoring Programme 2018_Info and application