After many years of debate and planning, THRMoA has today launched a new website and the requirement for members to pay a membership fee.

As featured this months’ LawTalk, following two rounds of consultation during 2018, we are asking members who are Practising lawyers and judges to pay an annual $100 plus GST membership fee. Non-practising lawyers and community law centre practitioners will be charged $75 plus GST. Membership is free for Māori law students.

Some of the new and enhanced benefits members can expect for their annual fee include:

  • Reduced registration costs for the annual conference;
  • Subsidised regional and national networking functions;
  • Access to the members-only portal on the new website, which includes exclusive content and materials;
  • Increased advocacy for members and the Society’s values, including on law reform;
  • Access to the existing suite of services, such as the Ngā Wāhine Rōia Māori mentoring programme; and
  • Voting and speaking rights at Māori Law Society hui and the AGM

You can read more about becoming a member on our Membership page.